Grabbing Attention With Custom Monument Signs

Choosing the right business signs to invest in is always a challenge for business owners. It can be daunting, with all the many options available. If you’re looking for a worthwhile sign investment, monument signs may be your best choice.

Get Noticed in Louisville, KY

There are plenty of ways monument signage can benefit your business. These freestanding outdoor signs can:

  1. Make your business easier to locate
  2. Increase brand awareness
  3. Drive more traffic to your business

Commercial monument signs are prominent signs usually placed by the road. They are highly visible, helping grab more attention to your business.

Let your signs attract even more attention, making your investment worthwhile. Here’s how:

Architecturally designed monument signs for business

Signs are no longer limited to standard boxed designs. Here at Louisville Custom Signs, we can create signs that match your business aesthetic. This is great for establishing brand consistency.

We use different types of materials, like faux wood or stone. This lets us make designs that compliment your outdoor business space.

Light up your signs

Another way to get more out of your sign is by lighting it up. Adding lights to your monument signage can make it more visible. This extends your sign’s visibility until night. With lighted signs, you can grab attention 24 hours a day.

We can add LEDs in or around the text or graphics of your signs to make the details pop. Spotlights at the base of your sign can also be added to give that illumination.

Go digital with your commercial monument signs

Digital displays are one of the best ways to attract attention. Adding electronic message boards lets you display multiple messages using just one sign. It is an efficient and effective way to get information to your customers.

Also, the changing messages make your sign more eye-catching. Motorists or passersby are sure to take notice of your business.

Choose the right location

When it comes to grabbing attention, it’s important to choose the right sign position. The best way to do this is to pick a spot that gets the most traffic.

Businesses usually install monument signs along the street, away from your store or building. This ensures that people can easily see your sign and know where to find your store or office. Often, you can find these signs by the entrance of a facility, or at an intersection.

Placing the signs in these key locations gives a cue to customers to turn in your direction.

High-Quality Monument Signs for Business

Monument signage can be a significant investment. However, these signs are made to be durable and long-lasting, letting you enjoy the benefits for years.

Louisville Custom Signs is your trusted sign maker in Louisville, KY. We understand the importance of driving more traffic to your business. As such, we make sure to deliver premium sign solutions that get your business noticed.

We take your signage investments seriously! Contact us today with your signage needs and we’ll give you a free quote.

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